NH Industries NH-90
Страна: International
Год: 1995

Вертолет корабельного или сухопутного базирования с экипажем 3 или 4 человека

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NH Industries NH90

   В 1985 году пять европейских стран подписали меморандум о взаимопонимании по вопросу создания "вертолета НАТО на 1990-е годы" ("NATO helicopter for the '90s"), или NH90. В 1987 году из проекта вышла Великобритания, в программе остались Франция, Германия, Италия и Нидерланды - для реализации программы в августе 1992 года во Франции была сформирована компания "NH Industries", акционерами которой стали компании "Eurocopter France" (41,60%), "Agusta" (28,20%), "Eurocopter Deutschland" (23,70%) и "Fokker" (6,50%). Первоначальная потребность оценивалась в 220 вертолетов для Франции, 214 - для Италии, 272 - для Германии и 20 - для Нидерландов. Предполагалось, что первый полет будет выполнен в 1995 году, а поставки начнутся в 1999 году.
   Изначально планировалось создать две модификации. Первой был вариант корабельного базирования NH90 NFH (NATO Frigate Helicopter) для решения противолодочных задач и борьбы с надводными кораблями, который отличался поисковой РЛС кругового обзора с антенной под фюзеляжем. Второй модификацией был вариант NH90 TTH (Tactical Transport Helicopter), он мог использоваться как тактический военно-транспортный, поисково-спасательный, VIP-транспортный и даже вертолет РЭБ.
   NH90 получил четырехлопастный несущий винт с эластомерными упругими элементами, причем втулка несущего винта выполнялась из титана. Лопасти - композитные, обладают усовершенствованным профилем и аэродинамической круткой законцовок. Рулевой винт - четырехлопастный бесшарнирный, расположенный слева. Его лопасти также выполнены из композитов и конструктивно схожи с лопастями несущего винта. Фюзеляж - выпуклой формы, полностью выполнен из композитов. На конце хвостовой балки справа расположен стреловидный стабилизатор. В силовую установку входят два турбовальных двигателя, размещенных позади несущего винта и редуктора. Шасси - трехопорное, с носовой стойкой, убирающееся. Передняя стойка шасси - двухколесная, основные - одноколесные. Предусмотрена установка баллонетов для посадки на воду. Доступ в кабину осуществляется через сдвижные двери по бортам машины, экипаж - два человека. Проектирование варианта NH90 NFH осуществляется под руководством компании "Agusta", причем в данной модификации в пилотской кабине могут размещаться либо два пилота, либо пилот и тактический координатор. Кроме того, в задней кабине располагаются тактический координатор и/или оператор целевого оборудования. В состав БРЭО данного варианта входят РЛС, опускаемая ГАС, ИК-станция переднего обзора, магнитометр, комплекс средств радиоэлектронной поддержки и РЭБ, а вооружение можно подвешивать на двух боковых узлах подвески - на каждом по 700 кг. Вариант NH90 TTH разрабатывается под общим руководством компании "Eurocopter Deutschland", причем в пилотской кабине предусмотрено размещение двух пилотов или пилота и оператора погрузки, тогда как в задней кабине располагаются 20 человек десанта или 2-тонный автомобиль. Вооружение в основном оборонительное. Стандартным элементом БРЭО для NH90 TTH является ИК-станция переднего обзора, позволяющая выполнять полеты ночью и в сложных метеоусловиях, причем на малых высотах. Обе модификации оснащаются четырехканальной электродистанционной системой управления.

   Для силовой установки вертолетов данного семейства были выбраны два варианта двигателей: RTM 322-01/9 консорциума компаний "Rolls-Royce", "Turbomeca", "MTU", "Piaggio" и "Topps", а также General Electric T700-T6E, выпускаемый в Европе по лицензии компанией "Alfa Romeo". В обоих случаях двигатели оснащены электронно-цифровой системой управления (FADEC). Трансмиссия вертолета рассчитана на передачу мощности до 3413 л.с. (2545 кВт) при работе двух двигателей или 2749 л.с. (2050 кВт) при работе одного двигателя, причем главный редуктор может работать без подачи смазки в течение 30 минут. В фюзеляже вертолета расположены 8 защищенных топливных баков, имеется также возможность применения двух внешних баков - по типу применяемых на Alpha Jet.
   Разработка NH90 была приостановлена в мае 1994 года, но в июле она возобновилась. Вскоре были собраны пять летных прототипов и один опытный экземпляр для статических испытаний - первый прототип, французский PT1, совершил первый полет 18 декабря 1995 года. Вертолет был оснащен двигателями RTM 322. Второй прототип, PT2, также был собран во Франции и совершил первый полет 19 марта 1997 года - это была первая машина, оснащенная ЭДСУ (вначале система была аналоговой, но затем стала цифровой). Третий, четвертый и пятый прототипы собирались во Франции, Германии и Италии, на них отрабатывались система управления полетом, авионика и целевое оборудование вертолетов модификаций TTH и NFH.
   В июле 1996 года совокупная потребность в вертолетах всех вариантов снизилась с 726 до 647 машин, в 1998 году - до 642 машин, а текущая потребность заявлена в следующих объемах: Франция - 133 вертолета варианта TTH и 27 машин NFH; Германия - 205 машин TTH, включая еще не утвержденный боевой поисково-спасательный подвариант, и 38 машин NFH; Италия - 155 вертолетов TTH (включая боевой поисково-спасательный подвариант) и 64 машины NFH, а также 20 вертолетов модификации NFH для Нидерландов. Окончательный контракт по закупке вертолетов семейства NH 90 был подписан участниками программы в июне 2000 года.
   Первый NH 90 поступил на вооружение германской Армии в 2006 году, а ранее - в 2001 году - Финляндия, Норвегия и Швеция заказали вертолеты NH 90 с поставкой первых машин для Финляндии в 2007 году. В 2003 году 20 вертолетов заказала Греция, поставка первого - в 2011 году.
   Австралия в 2005 году разместила заказ на 12 вертолетов, но в 2006 году увеличила его до 34 машин - на замену своим UH-60 и SH-3 Sea King. Саудовская Аравия в июле 2006 года подписала контракт на 64 машины, в том же году в число заказчиков вошла Новая Зеландия.

   NH Industries NH 90 NFH

   Тип: вертолет корабельного или сухопутного базирования с экипажем 3 или 4 человека
   Силовая установка: два ТВаД RTM 322-01/9 мощностью по 2100 л. с. (1566 кВт) или два ТВаД General Electric/Alfa Romeo T700-T6E мощностью по 2040 л. с. (1521 кВт)
   Летные характеристики (расчетные): максимальная крейсерская скорость 291 км/ч; экономическая крейсерская скорость 259 км/ч; начальная скороподъемность 660 м/мин; статический потолок с учетом влияния земли 3300 м или 2600 м без учета влияния земли; дальность полета с максимальным запасом топлива 1204 км; боевой радиус при нахождении в боевой зоне 3 ч 18 мин - 90 км
   Масса: пустого 6428 кг; максимальная взлетная 10000 кг
   Размеры: диаметр несущего винта 16,30 м; длина с вращающимися винтами 19,56 м; высота с вращающимися винтами 5,44 м; площадь, ометаемая несущим винтом 208,67 м2
   Вооружение: до 1400 кг вооружений на двух боковых узлах подвески
Seen at Marignane after its roll-out ceremony on September 29, 1995 is the prototype NH90, PT1/F-ZWTH.
NH 90 prototype during test flying (1998)
Первый экземпляр многоцелевого вертолета NH-90.
Покупатели могут выбирать модификации с двигателями Rolls-Royce/Turbomeca RTM322-01/9 или General Electric T700-T6E1. Эта машина представляет собой стандартный серийный вариант TTH.
NH90 TTH может брать на борт до 20 полностью вооруженных военнослужащих или же 2500 кг груза.
Этот опытный образец ТТН демонстрирует корпус вертолета NH90. Вертолет имеет убирающееся шасси.
Maiden flight of the fourth prototype NH90 took place at Ottobrunn, near Munich, on May 31, 1999. Pilots were Herbert Graser and Andrew Warner. Coded 98+90, the helicopter is a transport version and will test systems as well as the rear loading ramp. NH90 trials have logged more than 420 flying hours.
Second NH 90, in naval-style light grey (1998)
During 2001 the NH 90 was chosen by three of the four countries (Finland, Norway and Sweden) in the Nordic Standard Helicopter Programme. The fifth prototype, MMX-613, is tasked with testing the NFH mission systems, hence the prominent self-defence sensors on the nose and chin-mounted FLIR pod.
Для посадки на воду NH90 может оснащаться надувными баллонетами. На фотографии - один из прототипов во время испытаний.
Вертолет NH90 TTH вмещает до 20 человек и оснащен полным комплексом радиоэлектронного оборудования. Комплекс включает в себя систему защиты, а также инфракрасную аппаратуру перед него обзора FLIR, монтируемую в носовой части в качестве стандартного оборудования.
This photo gives some indication of the size of vehicle that can befitted into the cabin of an NH90.
NH Industries NH90 and Airbus A319 at ILA ’96
Although not announced at the time, the latest edition of Eurocopter's house magazine Rotor reveals that the first NH90 in NATO Frigate Helicopter (NFH) configuration for the French Navy, test registration F-ZWTO, made its first flight from Marignane on May 12, 2006. The one hour ten minute flight was performed by a Eurocopter test crew comprising pilot Philippe Boutry, flight test technician Jean-Claude Rabany and flight test engineer Philippe Bagur.
Compared with the Puma, the new Caiman brings massively uprated capabilities to the French Army.
One NH90 Caiman gets on its way for another mission while another example awaits its turn
A pair of NH90 Caiman multi-role military helicopters depart Grenoble-Le Versoud airfield to pick up troops in the French Alps
Вертолеты "Тигр" и NH 90 в совместном полете
Initial examples of the Eurocopter EC665 Tigre HAD (Helicoptere d’Appui Destruction, support and combat helicopter) and NHIndustries NH90 Caiman tactical transport helicopter entered operational service with the Aviation Legere de I'Armee de Terre (ALAT, French Army Aviation) on December 12, 2013. By then, three Caimans and two Tigre HADs had been delivered to the 1er Regiment d’helicopteres de combat (1st Combat Helicopter Regiment) at Phalsbourg, including Tigre HAP 6006/'BJF’ and NH90 Caiman 1273/‘EAD'. The unit will work up on the new helicopters to be ready for potential deployments from July.
French special forces step out of a NH90 after a sortie in the mountains
One of the first NH90 Caiman crews at Phalsbourg just a few days before its deployment to Mali.
Among Eurocopter's four first flights on December 17, 2010, from its facility at Marignane were two NH90 Tactical Transport Helicopters (TTH), the first examples destined for France (F-ZWRF, c/n 1239, seen here) and Spain (F-ZWRE, c/n 1215). F-ZWRF has since arrived at Istres where it will undergo flight trials with the Flight Test Centre. France has ordered 34 NH90 TTHs and the first will be delivered to its Army Aviation branch in late 2011.
Forty-six NH90TTHs have been ordered for the Australian Army, which will designate them as MRH90s. This was the first helicopter of the order and took to the air on its maiden flight on March 28.2007. Most of the MRH90s will be built in Brisbane by the Eurocopter subsidiary, Australian Aerospace.
The first MRH90 for the Australian Army, carrying test registration F-ZVLF in the rear cabin window, undertakes its maiden flight from the Eurocopter facility at Marignane, France, on March 28, 2007.
An MRH90 fuselage on the Australian Aerospace production line in Brisbane.
Four MRH90s from the 5th Aviation Regiment approach HMAS Canberra's flight deck during Sea Series 2015.
MRH90 A40-008 conducts engine run up ops on the flight-deck of HMAS Manoora ready to begin the first-of-class flight trials.
A Royal Australian Navy MRH90 on the flight deck of HMAS Canberra preparing for a night sortie off the coast of Queensland.
Flight deck operations aboard the HMAS Canberra at sea.
A sailor directs a MRH90 as it comes in to land aboard HMAS Canberra.
MRH90 A40-008 takes off from the flight deck of HMAS Manoora.
The Royal Australian Navy conducted the world’s first maritime trials of the MRH90 off HMAS Manoora testing the aircraft's capabilities at sea through takeoffs, landings, munitions transfers and carriage of loads.
An MRH90 from No.808 Naval Air Squadron conducts winching operations from the flight deck of HMAS Tobruk, during the type’s operational test and evaluation.
An MRH90 conducts winching operations for a personnel transfer with a sea boat as part of the type’s operational test and evaluation during HMAS Tobruk's 2012 south west Pacific deployment.
An Australian Army 5th Aviation Regiment MRH90 Taipan flies over Cloncurry, Queensland, October 2021
MRH90 A40-002 on December 18, 2007 following acceptance of the first two aircraft at the Australian Aerospace facility in Brisbane by the Australian Defence Materiel Organisation.
NH Industries MRH90 A40-002 (MRH002),the second of the type for the Australian Defence Forces, undertakes one of its final test flights in France on November 1, 2007 prior to being shipped to Australia. Note that the helicopter wears Navy titles, but is painted in typical Australian Army camouflage. Both the Army and Navy are scheduled to operate the type, 46 of which are on order. Both A40-002 and A40-003 (MRH03) were flown into Brisbane Airport, Queensland, on November 13, marking the first deliveries of the type to Australia. Under the AIR9000 programme, Eurocopter has manufactured the first four MRH90s for Australia, whilst the remaining 42 are being assembled in Brisbane by Australian Aerospace.
An MRH90 Taipan recovers to HMAS Tobruk, during the ship’s transit to Vanuatu, to provide assistance to Operation Pacific Assist 2015 for relief operations in Vanuatu.
NHIndustries MRH-90 A40-010 (c/n 1191) was one of the Australian Army Air Corps helicopters participating in Riverfire 2013 in Brisbane, Queensland - the closing ceremony of the city's annual festival, so called because of the large fireworks display held over the river. The Australian Defence Force performs air displays at the event, and this year’s - on September 28, 2013 - was the first time the MRH-90 participated, the helicopter having been commissioned into service in July.
The MRH 90 Taipan is a variant of the NHI NH 90 TTH and currently serves with the Australian Army and Royal Australian Navy. The latter service is considering a purchase of additional MH-60R Seahawk helicopters to standardise its embarked helicopter fleet
An RAA MRH-90 and its crew belonging to the 6th Aviation Regiment braves hellish conditions to provide support at Polo Flat, Cooma, not far from Mallacoota.
MRH90 A40-002 being loaded onboard an An-124 transporter for delivery to Australia.
From right to left, MRH90 A40-004 is unloaded from a Royal Australian Air Force C-17A Globemaster III at Brisbane Airport, Australia.
MRH90 A40-004 in the flight-test facility at Eurocopter’s Marignane facility in France.
HMAS Canberra's hangar with an MRH 90 Taipan, two ARH Tigers and one MH-60R helicopter embarked for the first-of-class flight trials with the ARH Tiger.
Австралия - один из первых экспортных заказчиков вертолета NH90, который является желанным выбором для стран, намеренных заменить свои UH-1 и UH-60.
New Zealand
NHIndustries NH90 TTH NZ3301/F-ZWTU (c/n 1177) is the first of eight for the Royal New Zealand Air Force. Its maiden flight was on June 4, 2009 and the initial example for the service was originally expected to be delivered in March 2010.
Апрель - декабрь 2010г.: успешно развивалась программа среднего вертолета NH Industries NH90. Вертолеты поставлены Голландии (21 апреля, морской NFH) и Оману (21 июня, тактический транспортный TTH, на фото). В декабре выполнили первые полеты TTH для армий Испании и Франции.
Eurocopter undertook the maiden flight on May 9, 2007 at its facility in Marignane, France, of 'TOMF001', the first NH90 Tactical Transport Helicopter (TTH) for the Royal Air Force of Oman (RAFO). The 1hr 20min sortie was under the command of Eurocopter test pilot Philippe Boutry, who took the helicopter up to its maximum speed and an altitude of 4,000ft (1,220m). A contract for a total of 20 multi-purpose NH90TTHs was signed between NH Industries and the Sultanate of Oman on July 24, 2004. The helicopters are powered by an enhanced 2,500-2,600shp (1,865-1,940kW| class version of the Rolls-Royce Turbomeca RTM322 engine, adapted to contend with the extreme operating conditions experienced in this region of the Middle East. The RAFO will use the helicopters in a wide variety of military roles, including tactical transport, plus search and rescue.
NHIndustries has designed a helicopter that has accumulated almost 500 firm orders. The NH90 pictured is the first of 20 Tactical Transport Helicopter variants due to be delivered to the Royal Air Force of Oman.
There are 28 NH90s destined for the Qatar Emiri Air Force
NHIndustries NH90 Tactical Transport Helicopter F-ZWBE (c/n 1237) was the first produced for Belgium.
A Belgian NH90 TTH, RN-07 (c/n 1297), in flight.
Belgium’s four NH90MTHs at Beauvechain Air Base on February 12, 2015.
One of the two Belgian Air Component NH90 helicopters at the Gao base in Mali.
NH 90 авиации Швеции
Авиашоу на авиабазе Мальмен, Швеция. NH-90TTH
This NH90 is pictured at this year's Paris Air Show and was formally delivered to the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration on June 20, 2007. The second example was handed over on September 6. They are both High Cabin Versions of the TTH, which will allow medical attendants to perform their role in a more spacious environment. It also increases the available cargo volume in the cabin.
Swedish Armed Forces Hkp14A (NH90) 141043 '43', the first Patria-assembled example, makes a brief stop at Patria Helicopters AB's facility at Stockholm/Arlanda, Sweden, on September 6, 2007 during its delivery flight.
High-cabin NH90 BSWA003, the third for the Swedish Armed Forces but the first to be assembled by Patria in Finland, undertook its maiden flight from Halli on March 28, 2007. The helicopter is seen here a few days later on April 4 departing from Pori Airport, Finland, for a flight back to Halli.
A soldier descends from a Finnish Army Aviation NH90 TTH during a fast-roping exercise.
The first Spanish NHIndustries NH90 Tactical Transport Helicopter (GSPE01, F-ZWRE, c/n 1215) arrived at Eurocopter's facility in Albacete on July 4, 2011 after a three-hour, 15 minute flight from Marignane in southern France. It first flew on December 17, 2010, and will continue its test programme at Albacete prior to delivery to the Spanish Army. Another NH90 will come directly from Marignane by the end of 2011, while the other 43 for Spain are due to be assembled at Eurocopter Espana FAL at Albacete. The first will be delivered in the first quarter of 2013.
The first NHIndustries NH90 assembled in Spain completed its maiden flight on January 23, 2013, wearing appropriate titles on its rear boom.
The Armada's future helicopter will be a navalised version of the NH90, assigned to 5 Escuadrilla. Prototype NH90 GSPA01 during tests fitted with armament mounts undertaken at the Airbus Helicopters factory in Albacete.
The initial STD II configuration NH 90TTH for the Fuerzas Aeromoviles del Ejercito de Tierra is seen here at Albacete on September 18, 2019.
On December 15, 2016, the Spanish Fuerzas Aeromoviles del Ejercito de Tierra (Army Airborne Forces) received two additional NH90TTH Caiman helicopters in an official ceremony held at Airbus Helicopters in Albacete. Wearing serial numbers HT.29-05/ET-805 and HT.29-06/ET-806, they departed to Agoncillo-Logroho on their delivery flight to BHELMA III (3rd Manoeuvre Helicopter Battalion) to join the other three NH90TTHs already in service with the unit.
On December 13 last year the first three NH90s were delivered. The initial customer was German Army Aviation, which is due to receive a total of 80 TTHs. These two helicopters, 78+02 and 78+03, were formally handed over at a ceremony at Eurocopter's Donauworth facility. The third example, 78+05, had already departed to Fassberg so that maintenance personnel could be trained on the type.
Seen here are the German Army's first two NH90 TTHs, 78+02 (TGEA02) and 78+03 (TGEA3), which were formally handed over at Eurocopter's Donauworth facility in Germany on December 13, 2006. Also officially delivered on that date was 78+05 (TGEA5), although it had already been delivered to Fassburg for maintenance personnel training.
An NH90TTH parked on the flight line at Buckeburg airfield.
Средний транспортный вертолет NH-Индастриз NH 90 TTH
Brand new NH90TTH 78+38 performing a hover over a small lake near Buckeburg airfield.
NH90TTH 78+38 flying low over a German forest.
A unique photo featuring Bell 206B Jet Ranger III, D-HMFA, followed by a NH90TTH.
An NH90TTH during a training mission.
As if emphasising the spirit of cooperation between Germany and the Netherlands, this mixed formation comprises Heersflieger NH90 TTHs and CH-47D Chinooks from the Koninklijke Luchtmacht. The transport element is escorted by a Dutch AH-64D Longbow Apache.
A Heersflieger NH90TTH and two Koninklijke Luchtmacht CH-47D Chinooks wait on the ground for troops, while above them a Dutch Apache Longbow keeps an eye out for trouble.
Italian Army Aviation air crews concentrated their initial activity on area familiarisation, flying reconnaissance missions day and night, and performing take offs and landings in all conditions at the various bases of the Regional Command West.
One of the five Italian Army Aviation NHIndustries NH90s (MM81532/'EI-217') now deployed to Herat, Afghanistan. The International Security Assistance Force has been using the new medium lift helicopters since September 2012 when they replaced Italian Navy Agusta-Bell AB 212ASWs.
Six UH-90As, one of which is seen on the range at Monte Romano near Viterbo, will be assigned to 3° REOS.
AgustaWestland announced on January 8, 2008 that Italy's Aviazione Dell'Esercito (AVES - Army Aviation) has taken delivery of its first NH90 multi-purpose Tactical Transport Helicopter (TTH). The aircraft was handed-over on December 30 and is the first of 60 NH90 TTHs on order for the AVES to replace older types currently used in various utility roles. Through a Phased Logistic Support programme, AgustaWestland will provide a complete support and training package for these helicopters, with an initial commitment for three years.
The first Full Operational Capability NHIndustries NH90 TTH delivered to the Italian Army.
Five C-17A flights were required to transport the INH90 quintet to Afghanistan.
The first Italian Army NH90 arrived at Herat on August 18, 2010 onboard a US air Force C-17A.
During the IOC period, NH90s were checked at an altitude of 7,500ft and temperatures of 26-30°C (equivalent to an altitude/density of 11,000ft). The highest temperature of 45°C were recorded at Farah in western Afghanistan.
NH90s usually operate in pairs for CSS missions, but in some cases fly with other types like the A129 Mangusta according to the mission needs.
Italian troops exit an Italian Army Aviation NH90 at Herat in Afghanistan.
Pictured is one of the 60 NH90s being acquired by the Italian Army. This photo illustrates the helicopter performing the casualty evacuation role. There is sufficient room in the cabin for 12 stretchers.
The first NH Industries NH90 (with the test registration F-WZTH) for the Hellenic Army was being prepared for delivery at Eurocopter’s Marignane facility in France in October 2008. Greece ordered 20 NH90s on August 29, 2003, comprising 16 Tactical Transport Helicopters (TTH) and four Special Operations (SO) versions. Included in the deal were four kits to convert the helicopters for the medical evacuation role. It also has an option for an additional 14 (12 TTH and two SO) examples.
Вертолеты на базе NFH имеют под фюзеляжем обтекатель антенны поисковой радиолокационной станции. Установленное на вертолете авиационное электронное оборудование и оборудование, монтируемое по особому заказу, может обслуживаться всего тремя или четырьмя членами экипажа.
NH90 NFH предназначен преимущественно для борьбы с надводными и подводными целями, но он может решать и другие задачи - загоризонтное целеуказание, поиск и спасание, перевозку грузов и личного состава.
18 декабря 1995г.: первый полет совершил вертолет NH 90, созданный концерном "NH Industries" (ассоциация компаний "Agusta", "Eurocopter" и "Fokker").
Seven countries to date have ordered the NFH-90 - the naval variant of the NH-90. The type is yet to enter service, though the first example was handed over to the French Navy in May this year.
Also being produced is the NATO Frigate Helicopter variant, which has been ordered by Belgium, France, Italy, Norway and the Netherlands. It is the same as the TTH variant except that it has different missions systems and sensors for the naval role.
A NH90 Caiman of the newly-recreated Flottille 31F takes VIPs to HMS Bulwark during the joint VIP day at the end of the exercise.
NH-Индастриз NH 90
Франция заказала обе модификации NFH и ТТН, желая заменить устаревшие вертолеты Puma и часть вертолетов Cougar, используемые в ее армии. Было заказано 12 вертолетов ТТН и 56 наименований дополнительного оборудования.
Australian built version of the French NH90 NFH.
Вариант NFH отличается смонтированной под фюзеляжем антенной поисковой РЛС кругового обзора.
One of the objectives of APROC is for aircrew to operate in multi-national formations of different types of helicopters. Seen together during one of the three daily missions are the Aeronautique Navale NH90 NFH and the Marina Militare UH-101A.
A French Navy Lynx at Lanveoc/Poulmic during the type's retirement ceremony on September 4, 2020 while two other Lynx and two NH90 Caiman Marines perform a flypast.
The two French NH90s after arriving at Gao, Mali, on November 3, 2014.
Hyeres Naval Air Station was extremely busy during the last few days of Corsican Lion. Here, a Flottille 31F NH90 is towed back towards a hangar while a French Super Puma waits to pick up VIPs.
The 12th NH90 Caiman for France’s Aeronautique Navale (Naval Aviation), No 12 (c/n 1300, ex F-ZWCF), arriving on October 23, 2014 at Lanveoc-Poulmi at the end of its delivery flight. The helicopter was flown in by a crew from the Centre de’Experimentations Pratiques de /’Aeronautique (CEPA, Practical Aerospace Experimental Centre) to join Flottille 33F. This marks the halfway stage in Caiman deliveries to the French Navy, which has ordered 24, the last of which is due in 2019.
The Sagem Euroflir 410 electro-optical system is mounted on the nose.
Flottille 31 F’s engineering department has more than 50 personnel, including ten airframe and engine specialists.
The Purple Team is a flight formation consisting of an escort helicopter (AH-129) and a tactical transport helicopter (UH-90)
A UH-90A hovers in front of a rocky cliff during a training mission. The helicopter has been proven in many overseas missions including Afghanistan and Iraq
An NH90 approaching the landing zone at the Salto di Quirra range, with the gunner manning the 7.62mm M134D minigun.
Currently, the CAAE has ten NH90s, though with the type due to enter service soon, these helicopters will be redistributed to operational squadrons.
The UH-90A is a state-of-the-art helicopter and the fleet has logged more than 31,096 flight hours during operations at home and abroad
Maintenance takes place under high standards. After 300 flight hours, each UH-90 will go to Bologna for heavy maintenance
SH-90A MM.81951/'3-05' flying over the hills near the base at Luni reveals the shallow radome of the Thales ENR search radar, under the fuselage.
Marina SH-90 M.M.81599/3-24 lifts from the flight deck of the frigate Alpino (F594).
The nose of an SH-90A showing the different sensors of the Elettronica ELT ESW system and Sagem's Artemis FLIR.
Following a low-level mission over the sea, an SH-90 taxies through the shower to wash away salt water from the helicopter.
Норвегия - один из последних заказчиков NH90, ее вертолеты должны также заменить собой Sea King в роли поисково-спасательного.
The second NH90 NFH for the Norwegian coast guard (058) shortly after arriving at Maritime Air Station De Kooy in the Netherlands for a night stop on December 2, 2012.
NH90 NATO Frigate Helicopter 013/C.S.X 81691 (c/n 1013), the first for the Royal Norwegian Air Force for operation on behalf of the Kystvakt (Coastguard), is seen here at NAS De Kooy in the Netherlands on August 23, 2007 whilst making a fuel stop en route to the Rygge Air Show in southern Norway. The aircraft had been test-flying unpainted since its maiden flight last December but was finally fully painted up on August 21, specifically for an appearance at the Rygge show. As previously reported, first deliveries will not take place until next year due to delays in integration of the Norwegian-specific equipment in the helicopters.
Equipped with an automatic tail and main rotor blade folding system, Norway's NH90s can comfortably operate from Nordkapp-class offshore patrol vessels and Nansen-class frigates.
An NH90 operating from Coastguard Nordkapp-class offshore patrol vessel KV Senja (W321) underway in the waters off northern Norway.
Norway’s NH90s are currently fulfilling a range of Coastguard duties.
NH90 NFH 358, the latest NH90 delivered to Norway, seen taking off from Maritime Air Station De Kooy in the Netherlands on September 30, 2019, where it made a weekend stop while on delivery from Leonardo Helicopters' facility in Tessera, Italy, to Bardufoss Air Station.
All of Norway's NH90s are now to be returned to the manufacturer RNoAF
THE FIRST NATO Frigate Helicopter (NFH) NH90 variant for the Royal Norwegian Air Force (RNoAF), 013 ('Norway 01'), undertakes its first flight on December 20, 2006 at the AgustaWestland factory in Vergiate, Italy. The helicopter already wears Kystvakt (Coast Guard) titles and will be one of eight in search and rescue configuration operated on behalf of the Coast Guard by the RNoAF, replacing the Lynx Mk 86s of 337 Skvadron at Bardufoss.
NH90 Naval Frigate Helicopter CSX 81697 'NNLN 01', the first for the Royal Netherlands Navy, undertakes its maiden flight at the AgustaWestland facility at Vergiate, Italy, on August 10, 2007.
The first NH90 for the Koninklijke Marine (Dutch Navy), N088/CS.X6197, was painted in full colours to replace its primer coat for an appearance at the Heldair Maritime Show at De Kooy on September 15, 2007. The helicopter is seen here departing from De Kooy on September 19 to return to the AgustaWestland factory at Vergiate, Italy, where it will continue its flight-test programme.
The first full operational capable (FOC) NHIndustries NH90 NFH (Naval Frigate Helicopter) for the Netherlands, N234 (c/n 1234/NNLN10), was noted at Naval Air Station (NAS) De Kooy on March 14, 2013. It was delivered to the Dutch Defence Helicopter Command's No.860 Squadron on January 30. Twenty NH90 NFHs are on order for the Dutch armed forces along with 14 naval mission systems suites. No.860 Squadron at NAS De Kooy will receive 12 NFHs. They will be used for shore-based search and rescue, single helicopter ship-based operations as well as sea-based operations from landing platform deck or joint support ship class naval vessels. All seven interim meaningful operational capable (MOC) NFHs, which were delivered to No.860 Squadron from 2010, will be refurbished by AgustaWestland, which produces the Dutch NH90s, to bring them up to FOC standard. Gilze-Rijen AB will house eight transport NFHs, which will equip No.300 Squadron for land-based operations.
NH90 NFH N195 seen on May 26, 2011 at its home base, Maritime Air Station De Kooy, is the latest addition to the growing Dutch NH90 fleet. It is the sixth Dutch NH90 built and became the fourth example to be handed over on March 25.
NH90 NFHs from 860 Squadron flew from offshore patrol vessels.
NH90 N317 with its three-person aircrew - comprising pilot, TACCO and SENSO.
The NH90 and its highly trained aircrew of three is most at home operating at low level over the sea.
Low-level NAVEX complete, Cornwall's historic Godrevy Lighthouse provides the stunning backdrop for NH90 N317.
Cornwall's weather provided the additional challenge RNN aircrew demanded to test their aircraft.
The Dutch NFH bristles with capability with its main external features, HELRAS and the nose-mounted forward looking infrared turret, visible in this close-up view.
Dutch NH90 NFH N316 lowers the HELRAS dipper through the funnel.
Neptune Flight departs RNAS Culdrose to complete their FOST ASW/ASuW exercise, alongside 824 NAS and other surface/sub-surface vessels.
NH90 NFH serial number N110 prior to a mid-morning mission.
The Netherlands Aerospace Laboratory found widespread corrosion and excessive wear problems on NHIndustries NH90 NFH N 227 (c/n 1227/NNLN007) of the Dutch Defence Helicopter Command’s 860 Squadron, after it entered a 600-hour inspection on August 28, 2013. It has been grounded since. The helicopter was pictured in June 2013, shortly after returning from the type’s first-ever operational ship-based deployment.
The three deployed NH90s complete their final pre-flight checks prior to rotor start-up.
One of the two rear-crew SENSOs prepares for a CASEX mission working with an 820 Naval Air Squadron Merlin HM2 and a Royal Netherlands Navy Walrus-class submarine.
Approximately 50% of the deployed DHC force was made up of maintenance personnel, who worked 24/7 to ensure all operational objectives were met.
The NH90 has an initial operational capability for SAR in Belgium? but delays to the programme have extended the Sea King Mk48's OSD to the end of 2018 at least.
The first NHIndustries NH90 NFH for the Belgian Defence - Air Component was delivered on August 1, 2013.
Wearing Bundeswehr test side number 98+51, the first Marineflieger NH90 NTH (c/n NGEN01) made its first flight at Donauworth on December 8, 2016.
Airbus Helicopters expects to deliver the first NH90 Sea Lion helicopter to the Marineflieger in the fourth quarter of 2019.
24 октября 2019г. ВМС Германии получили первый вертолет Airbus Helicopters NH90 Sea Lion, который представляет собой специальный вариант сухопутного NH90 NFH. От базовой машины он отличается новыми навигационным оборудованием и системой «свой-чужой», а также двумя 12,7-мм пулеметами. Вертолет предназначен для выполнения широкого спектра задач, включая поисково-спасательные работы, транспортные операции, высадку групп спецназа, разведку. Он может действовать с палуб кораблей нескольких типов. По планам, до 2022 г. германский флот должен получить 18 «Морских львов».
Germany is due to receive 31 of the NHIndustries NH90 Sea Tigers